
GEE--the world's first web3 short video application platform

About Gee

The Future Ecosystem Bridging Blockchain and Short Videos

Gee is the first global app combining short video sharing with blockchain technology, integrating short videos, gaming, social networking, decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFT) trading markets, and physical goods markets for a novel digital experience. Adopting advanced blockchain technology, Gee ensures user data security and privacy, striving to be a leader in the Web3 domain.

Gee's mission is to deeply merge blockchain technology with digital life, creating richer and more diverse digital scenarios and asset applications. Users can easily share short videos, engage in gaming, and interact socially on Gee while experiencing the innovative value of DeFi and NFT markets.

Through Gee, we aim to build a bridge connecting the real world with the digital realm, allowing users to enjoy the safety, transparency, and decentralization benefits of blockchain technology while interacting, entertaining, and generating wealth.

Of course, the success of any concept relies on execution, market demand, and competitive environment. Gee must continue to optimize its product, expand market share, and establish strong partnerships to realize its grand vision.

Market Analysis

Why we do this project?

By the end of 2022, the number of global smartphone users had surpassed 4 billion , setting a new record.

Short video applications represented by TikTok have become an indispensable part of users' daily lives, with TikTok's daily active users exceeding 3 billion .

Additionally, other short video applications worldwide are also actively developing, with daily active short video users roughly equaling the number of smartphone users, meaning that every smartphone user cannot be separated from short videos .

The proportion of daily active short video users accounts for more than 50% of the world's population.

The success of TIKTOK has demonstrated the huge development potential of the short video industry.

Meanwhile, blockchain technology, as an emerging technology, is gradually entering people's field of vision.

By the end of 2022, the number of global blockchain users was approximately 340 million .

With the rapid exposure and development of the industry, as well as the 2024 Bitcoin halving, it is expected that blockchain users will usher in a new peak and may exceed 1 billion within 5 years.

As a company dedicated to the combination of blockchain and short video, GEE insists on developing specific and feasible plans rather than setting false and exaggerated development goals to deceive users and investors.

Our initial goal is to have 100 million users within two years and strive for even greater breakthroughs in this target.

By combining blockchain technology with short video applications, GEE is committed to providing global users with a more secure, trustworthy, and efficient short video sharing platform, injecting new vitality into the industry.

Our Advantage

Comparison between us and traditional short video platforms


Create Video

Live Function

Mall System

Video Uploaded to Blockchain Chain

Support NFT Transactions and Applications

Decentralization of Content and Assets

Token Economic Incentives

Social System

Browse to Earn

Data Security and Transparency

High-quality Content

Offering diversified revenue channels

Creating a global video copyright trading platform

Development Vision

GEE is committed to building a sustainable web3 project with real profit-making capabilities.

  • Establish a globalized, diversified, and intelligent e-commerce platform to provide consumers with a wide range of goods and services. • Globalization: Push goods and services to global markets, enabling cross-border sales and logistics delivery. • Diversified products: Provide a rich variety of goods and services, covering consumers' various needs and preferences. • Intelligent technology: Introduce artificial intelligence and big data technology to provide personalized product and service recommendations for consumers, improving shopping experience and efficiency. •Provide a secure and reliable payment and logistics system to safeguard consumer rights and transaction security.

  • Provide a globalized original video creation and sharing platform to offer creators a broad space for creation and exhibition channels. • Global creation: Creators can create videos globally, displaying various cultures and lifestyles. • Provide social interaction functions: Creators can interact and communicate with audiences, obtaining feedback and suggestions. • Provide a broad exhibition platform: Recommend excellent original videos to more audiences, allowing more people to appreciate the creators' talents. • Provide diversified revenue channels: Creators can earn revenue through various means such as advertising sharing, paid subscriptions, and appreciation.

  • Establish a fair and transparent reward mechanism to motivate and encourage creators to create more excellent original videos. •Fair and transparent evaluation mechanism: Establish a scientific and impartial evaluation system to select outstanding original videos. • Provide reward and incentive mechanisms: Provide generous rewards and incentives to encourage creators to create more excellent original videos. • Establish a fair competition mechanism: Ensure that all creators can participate in competitions and selection activities fairly, avoiding unfair means to gain rewards.

  • Protect intellectual property rights, support video uploading on the blockchain, safeguard creators' legal rights, and promote the development of the original video industry. •Establish a global intellectual property protection mechanism, including copyright registration and rights protection mechanisms. •Support video uploading on the blockchain to ensure the video content's tamper resistance and traceability. •Cooperate in establishing a global video copyright trading platform to provide better copyright operations and revenue models for creators.

  • Promote the standardization of global blockchain technology, making it interoperable and interconnected between different countries and industries. • Establish international standards for blockchain technology to provide norms and guidance for global blockchain applications. • Promote the interconnection of blockchain technology between various industries, promoting information sharing and industry development. • Strengthen exchanges and cooperation between governments, enterprises, academic institutions, and social organizations, jointly promoting the standardization process of blockchain technology.

  • Gee will reduce its impact on the environment by promoting the use of clean energy, adopting renewable materials, and reducing waste through advocacy and publicity. • Always focus on environmental protection and social responsibility and make it one of the important goals of business operation and development. • Gee will strengthen cooperation with relevant organizations and groups, actively participate in various environmental protection activities and social responsibility actions, and promote sustainable development. • Actively practice and advocate the concept of sustainable development and promote environmental protection and sustainable development knowledge. • Encourage users to participate in environmental protection actions, promoting sustainable development and achieving coordinated development of the economy, society, and environment.