Hexus empowers GTM teams to enhance customer experiences with interactive product demos, walkthroughs, and how-to guides created in just a few clicks. Deliver personalized content faster across multiple formats.
This integration allows you to embed Hexus demos directly into your Gitbook pages for easy access and visualization.
How it works
Just paste a Hexus Flow or Mutliflow URL into your Gitbook documentation and the integration will automatically render it as an interactive product demo.
Simply navigate to [https://app.gitbook.com/integrations/hexusai](https://app.gitbook.com/integrations/hexusai) and click the install button to get started. Choose the appropriate options in the installation flow to install Hexus in one or more spaces or across your Gitbook organization.
Get started for free
Play around with GitBook and set up your docs for free. Add your team and pay when you’re ready.
Trusted by leading technical product teams
Get started for free
Play around with GitBook and set up your docs for free. Add your team and pay when you’re ready.
Trusted by leading technical product teams
Get started for free
Play around with GitBook and set up your docs for free. Add your team and pay when you’re ready.
Trusted by leading technical product teams