New in GitBook: Better block manipulation and the GitBook Library
New in GitBook: Better block manipulation and the GitBook Library
Product updates
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Product updates
26 Apr 2023

Over the last few months we’ve been focused on enhancing the editing experience within GitBook, as well as ways to help you better organize your content. We’ve got a lot of improvements in the pipeline, and you can scroll down for a sneak peek at some of our plans.
But the first of these improvements are live right now — starting with the ability to easily select and manipulate blocks, and a space for your private content!
Better block manipulation
We’ve made it easier than ever to select full blocks and manipulate them within your content. Now, you can hit Esc ⎋ to enter block selection mode. This will select the block you were active in, or any blocks you highlighted. You can then hold Shift ⇧ and click to select more blocks, if you want.
When you have the blocks you need, you can drag them around your page, or copy, cut, paste or delete them instantly. It makes manipulating and reorganizing your content faster and easier than ever. Give it a try!
Block selection is just the first of many more improvements we’re planning on the GitBook editor, some of which will be going live very soon:
Full-width blocks, to make tables and images more readable, and allow for more customization
Improvements to our most-used block types — including tables, images, lists and hints
Performance improvements, to make the interface snappier even on large documents.
We also plan to make block selection even easier — by simply clicking and dragging over multiple blocks. Stay tuned!
Private spaces
Updated 7 July 2023: We have edited this blog post to remove information about private spaces, as this feature is no longer available in GitBook.
GitBook Library
Today we’ve also launched the GitBook Library — a collection of the best content from across our community. In it, you’ll find great examples of guides, documentation, company handbooks and more, with plenty of invaluable reference materials.
It’s a great collection, and we want to make it better. So if you have some content you want us to include in the Library, submit it now! Ultimately we want it to become an essential hub, collecting incredible knowledge from across the internet for everyone to use.
So please share you work with us — we’d love to see what you’ve created and include it in the Library!
Tell us what you think
We wanted to get these features into your hands now, but we know there’s still a little work to do to make them really great. We’ll have more to share on these updates very soon, but if you have any feedback in the meantime, please let us know in our GitHub community.
For now, stay tuned — and happy editing! ✍
→ See what else is new in the Changelog
Over the last few months we’ve been focused on enhancing the editing experience within GitBook, as well as ways to help you better organize your content. We’ve got a lot of improvements in the pipeline, and you can scroll down for a sneak peek at some of our plans.
But the first of these improvements are live right now — starting with the ability to easily select and manipulate blocks, and a space for your private content!
Better block manipulation
We’ve made it easier than ever to select full blocks and manipulate them within your content. Now, you can hit Esc ⎋ to enter block selection mode. This will select the block you were active in, or any blocks you highlighted. You can then hold Shift ⇧ and click to select more blocks, if you want.
When you have the blocks you need, you can drag them around your page, or copy, cut, paste or delete them instantly. It makes manipulating and reorganizing your content faster and easier than ever. Give it a try!
Block selection is just the first of many more improvements we’re planning on the GitBook editor, some of which will be going live very soon:
Full-width blocks, to make tables and images more readable, and allow for more customization
Improvements to our most-used block types — including tables, images, lists and hints
Performance improvements, to make the interface snappier even on large documents.
We also plan to make block selection even easier — by simply clicking and dragging over multiple blocks. Stay tuned!
Private spaces
Updated 7 July 2023: We have edited this blog post to remove information about private spaces, as this feature is no longer available in GitBook.
GitBook Library
Today we’ve also launched the GitBook Library — a collection of the best content from across our community. In it, you’ll find great examples of guides, documentation, company handbooks and more, with plenty of invaluable reference materials.
It’s a great collection, and we want to make it better. So if you have some content you want us to include in the Library, submit it now! Ultimately we want it to become an essential hub, collecting incredible knowledge from across the internet for everyone to use.
So please share you work with us — we’d love to see what you’ve created and include it in the Library!
Tell us what you think
We wanted to get these features into your hands now, but we know there’s still a little work to do to make them really great. We’ll have more to share on these updates very soon, but if you have any feedback in the meantime, please let us know in our GitHub community.
For now, stay tuned — and happy editing! ✍
→ See what else is new in the Changelog
Over the last few months we’ve been focused on enhancing the editing experience within GitBook, as well as ways to help you better organize your content. We’ve got a lot of improvements in the pipeline, and you can scroll down for a sneak peek at some of our plans.
But the first of these improvements are live right now — starting with the ability to easily select and manipulate blocks, and a space for your private content!
Better block manipulation
We’ve made it easier than ever to select full blocks and manipulate them within your content. Now, you can hit Esc ⎋ to enter block selection mode. This will select the block you were active in, or any blocks you highlighted. You can then hold Shift ⇧ and click to select more blocks, if you want.
When you have the blocks you need, you can drag them around your page, or copy, cut, paste or delete them instantly. It makes manipulating and reorganizing your content faster and easier than ever. Give it a try!
Block selection is just the first of many more improvements we’re planning on the GitBook editor, some of which will be going live very soon:
Full-width blocks, to make tables and images more readable, and allow for more customization
Improvements to our most-used block types — including tables, images, lists and hints
Performance improvements, to make the interface snappier even on large documents.
We also plan to make block selection even easier — by simply clicking and dragging over multiple blocks. Stay tuned!
Private spaces
Updated 7 July 2023: We have edited this blog post to remove information about private spaces, as this feature is no longer available in GitBook.
GitBook Library
Today we’ve also launched the GitBook Library — a collection of the best content from across our community. In it, you’ll find great examples of guides, documentation, company handbooks and more, with plenty of invaluable reference materials.
It’s a great collection, and we want to make it better. So if you have some content you want us to include in the Library, submit it now! Ultimately we want it to become an essential hub, collecting incredible knowledge from across the internet for everyone to use.
So please share you work with us — we’d love to see what you’ve created and include it in the Library!
Tell us what you think
We wanted to get these features into your hands now, but we know there’s still a little work to do to make them really great. We’ll have more to share on these updates very soon, but if you have any feedback in the meantime, please let us know in our GitHub community.
For now, stay tuned — and happy editing! ✍
→ See what else is new in the Changelog
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