Product documentation your users will love
Forget building your own custom docs platform. Collaborate, publish and maintain product docs your users will love with the ultimate all-in-one documentation platform.
Trusted by technical teams at companies of all sizes
Why teams are choosing GitBook
Public docs
Publish unbeatable documentation
Effortlessly migrate your product docs to GitBook, customize them to match your brand, then publish them to the world — or just a selected group, if you prefer. Then keep them updated with built-in content insights.
Git Sync
Collaborate on docs like you collaborate on code
Sync your docs with a GitHub or GitLab repository and everyone can contribute to your docs, wherever they prefer to work. So your technical writers can use WYSIWYG editor, while engineers add to your docs directly in Git. And everything stays in sync, with feedback and reviews to guarantee quality.
Visitor authentication
Control access to your published docs
Choose who can access your documentation. With visitor authentication, you can keep sensitive information away from competitors and hackers. So only your chosen customers, team members or authorized users can view your docs.
Powering all kinds of technical product documentation